Power supply circuits are needed in all circuits so we need to know about it.
We will discuss here power circuit that suited and enough for our purpose.
Mainly for our sensor application we can use two types such as battery operated and from line voltage(220v ac).
The power supply circuit are mainly regulator type.Using ordinary transformer we can use 78 series regulator. Normally we need a small amount of current of
order 200ma to 1A. In this region ordinary 78 series are enough. National semiconductor Texas instruments Fairchild and so many manufacturer producing these.
For negative voltage regulation 79 series are used.
Some times variable voltage regulator are needed such as LM317 for positive
and LM337 for negative voltage. All these are found in To-220 package.
These regulator provide about 1% of load regulation and suitable for stable
Coils are another important component in any analog circuit and extensively used in power electronics. In a ordinary circuit due to its inductance it oppose the change of current flow in the line which it is connected. A magnetic flux is stored in coil which decay with time and stored energy is released. A filter circuit include a coil and resistance which separate high or low frequency signal and thus demodulation circuit need coil. A speaker have coil which vibrate when current flow in it as current cause magnetic field opposite to a strong permanent magnet and thus sound occur on the spider or paper cone.
In power electronics a transformer have two or more coils. A ordinary adapter contain a step down transformer which down the supply voltage from 220 to 12v or even 3v.
A inverter convert battery power to 220v ac using a centre tap coil on primary part and on the other side a thinner wire with higher turn of wire.
A relay switch contain coil which when magnet move a connector and thus open or close a switch.
A toroid have a special feature over transformer and it minimize the weight of a ordinary coil transformer and taking place of ordinary coil in SMPS design.
A motor or a generator have coil which create a magnetic flux or cut a magnetic flux and. In motor current conduction create a flux opposite to permanent magnet and the armature move but on new position again flux created by current conduction create magnetic flux opposite to permanent magnet on the position. This actually cause by commutator and brush.
Thus the armature move on and on.
In a generator external energy run the armature and it cut the magnetic flux of the permanent magnet and thus current conduct in the armature which is collected in external circuit.
A spark system in a car include a coil which store energy and create spark in spark-plug and thus a engine run.
In coupling circuit a signal from a part of circuit send a signal to other part by a transformer coil and thus two circuits are separated from each other.
Coils are another important component in any analog circuit and extensively used in power electronics. In a ordinary circuit due to its inductance it oppose the change of current flow in the line which it is connected. A magnetic flux is stored in coil which decay with time and stored energy is released. A filter circuit include a coil and resistance which separate high or low frequency signal and thus demodulation circuit need coil. A speaker have coil which vibrate when current flow in it as current cause magnetic field opposite to a strong permanent magnet and thus sound occur on the spider or paper cone.
In power electronics a transformer have two or more coils. A ordinary adapter contain a step down transformer which down the supply voltage from 220 to 12v or even 3v.
A inverter convert battery power to 220v ac using a centre tap coil on primary part and on the other side a thinner wire with higher turn of wire.
A relay switch contain coil which when magnet move a connector and thus open or close a switch.
A toroid have a special feature over transformer and it minimize the weight of a ordinary coil transformer and taking place of ordinary coil in SMPS design.
A motor or a generator have coil which create a magnetic flux or cut a magnetic flux and. In motor current conduction create a flux opposite to permanent magnet and the armature move but on new position again flux created by current conduction create magnetic flux opposite to permanent magnet on the position. This actually cause by commutator and brush.
Thus the armature move on and on.
In a generator external energy run the armature and it cut the magnetic flux of the permanent magnet and thus current conduct in the armature which is collected in external circuit.
A spark system in a car include a coil which store energy and create spark in spark-plug and thus a engine run.
In coupling circuit a signal from a part of circuit send a signal to other part by a transformer coil and thus two circuits are separated from each other.
To run your system you need power and so what you need to know about battery. From small lithium ion battery of your wristwatch there are hundreds types of battery around you including your UPS which have a battery with 40A-HR rating of it
SMPS system maintain the target voltage by chopping the input with a desired interval which is maintained by feedback system. The width of the chopping is maintained so the output voltage is constant.
The desktop computer uses the SMPS power supply and many people use the power supply for their lab purpose.