Sensor is a device that generate a electrical signal according to the target physical change
that is our particular interest. Some sensor are very common and also known to all such 
as temperature sensors are LM34 LM35.
There are also some digital sensor as DS18B20 from Dallas Maxim.

There are use of Thermocouple temperature sensor still remains.The only reason for use of this nothing but its high resistance to temperature.In case of furnace or other high temperature objects
where it is temperature is about 500 to 900 degree centigrade there must be a thermocouple for
sensing temperature.

There are some other sensors such as LVDT or resistance based position sensor such as potentiometer which are used to detect position of a target object.

Pressure sensor are used in all industrial maintenance system where fluid related works are done.Numerous pressure sensors are available and used according where it is classified according to limit. The maximum is about 10000psi and the lowest is about .001psi.

Humidity sensors are also available now in market and price is also not much.

Metal detector are used in security services and also in industries where it is needed to specify
what metal is it. This kind of circuit works on magnatic flux related circuit where change of magnetic flux is detected and thus metal is found.

Thickness sensor are also needed to detect thickness where usually thickness of metal foil are

There are so much sensors used in real world and we would like to discuss on these later.

I dont know the amount of IC in the world. this would be a stupid thinking of it. If you like to know about a IC then

                go to the page http://www.alldatasheet.com

Then type the IC mane or number in it then hit searce. It is world wide IC search engine and holding 200 million of pdf sheet of different IC all over the world. There are some other search engine in web and working much for people. The recommend another site

               go to the page   http://www.digchip.com

Some site are helping you giving more detail on IC and other helping tool so you can design your system or circuit to have optimistic output from it. ICmaster is one of that kind of site

              go to the page    http://www.icmaster.com/search/HomePageAction.ad

Some common IC in market are LM324  LM358  LF442 TL084  TL082  LM339  LT1014  CA3046 HEF8016  SG3524  OP07  OP722  LM393  LTC1025 ADC0804 ADC0809 LM7812 LM7805 LM7905 LM7915  ULN2803  LM3600 AD627  74LS244  MAX232  MAX233  LM555  LM566 LM741 DS275 74LS541 LM329

    If  you are to buy some of the IC then some other site to buy these. If you need then

             go to the page http://www.findchips.com

where this page show you the availability of the chip and price of it. Obviously these sites do not provide single pieces.

            go to the page http://www.datasheet4u.com
Some site have additional tool for people who like to build blog or web page on electronics devices so that these sites giving you some additional such as logo magazine and hints on these IC  

            go to the page http://www.chipdocs.com

There also other site where not only datasheet but some other facility and online help for you and all these made these web pages different then other

            go to the page    http://www.supplyframe.com

        same type of page  here http://freedatasheets.com/datasheet-search/TSM